Genenta Science is a spin-off of the
San Raffaele Hospital

IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele is a university hospital and scientific institute established in 1971 to provide specialized care for the most complex health conditions and to perform cutting-edge translational research. Ospedale San Raffaele was first recognized by the Italian Ministry of Health as a research hospital  (Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico, IRCCS) in 1972 for its expertise in diabetes research and cure. The recognition as IRCCS was then extended to the entire field of molecular medicine in 2001.

Thanks to 100 high-tech laboratories and pre-clinical facilities, 50 medical specialties50.000 hospitalizations per year and more than 880 ongoing clinical trials, at Ospedale San Raffaele basic science translate quickly into clinical practice and clinical needs drive basic research.

San Raffaele Telethon Institute
for Gene Therapy

The San Raffaele Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy (SR-Tiget) was created in 1996 as a joint venture between the Fondazione Telethon and Ospedale San Raffaele, with the mission to perform cutting-edge research in gene and cell therapy and to translate its results into therapeutic advances, focusing on genetic diseases.

SR-Tiget represents a multi-disciplinary research environment, which provides a unique blend of scientific expertise in the development of innovative gene and cell therapy strategies, access to relevant preclinical models to evaluate their efficacy and safety, as well as competence in conducting early phase clinical trials. This provides a fertile ground for alliances with industrial partners, and launch of start-up companies, which are crucial to secure the skills and resources required to address the regulatory hurdles and manufacturing needs to bring new therapies to registration and make them available to patients.

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