
Pierluigi Paracchi is CEO and co-founder and serves as the Moderator of the National Working Table for the Internationalization of Biotechnology Sector, promoted by the Foreign Ministry. He is a Member of the Executive Committee of Federchimica-Assobiotec, the National Association of biotech companies. Paracchi is also Co-Founder & Board Member Altheia Science and AurorA Science, Chairman Lipogems International. Previously, as a venture capitalist, he was Founder & CEO of Quantica SGR, Co-founder of Axòn Capital, Venture Consultant at Sofinnova Partners, achiving over $400MM+ exits and raising more than $200MM in venture funding.


Ph.D., M.D.
Executive Scientific Board Chairman

Luigi Naldini is Professor of Cell and Tissue Biology and Cell and Gene Therapy at the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University School of Medicine in Milan, and Director of the San Raffaele-Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy and of the Division of Regenerative Medicine, Stem Cells & Gene Therapy at the San Raffaele Scientific Institute.

Pioneer of the development and the applications of lentiviral vectors for gene therapy and he has continued to investigate new strategies to overcome the major hurdles to safe and effective gene transfer, bringing about innovative solutions that are not only being translated into new therapeutic strategies for genetic disease and cancer, but have also allowed novel insights into hematopoietic stem cell function, induction of immunological tolerance, and tumor angiogenesis.
Member of several Scientific Committees of the ASGCT, ESCGT, American Association of Cancer Research (AACR), International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR), International Society of Cell Therapy (ISCT). Ad Hoc scientific advisor on EMEA and WHO committees for the evaluation of novel gene transfer medicines.
He served as President of the European Society of Gene and Cell Therapy.
Inventor of 58 granted international patents and 45 pending. Luigi Naldini has published 305 papers in international peer-reviewed scientific journals.


– Elected Member of EMBO, the European Molecular Biology Organization, in 2008.
– Awarded the European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Investigator grant, which recognizes top EU scientists with an outstanding achievement track record in 2009.
– Premio Sapio of the Italian Research (Health Area) in 2012.
– Outstanding Achievement Award from the American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy in 2014.
– Human Gene Therapy “Pioneer Award” 2014.
– Premio Gili Agostinelli for Biological and Medical Sciences from the Accademia delle Scienze di Torino in 2014.
– Honorary doctorate from the Vrije University, Brussel, in 2015.
– Outstanding Achievement Award from the European Society of Gene and Cell Therapy in 2015.
– The Jimenez Diaz Prize, Conchita Rábago de Jiménez Díaz Foundation, Madrid, in 2016.
– Premio Capitani 2016 , Milan, Italy
– The Beutler Prize from the American Society of Hematology (ASH), USA, in 2017
– The Louis-Jeantet Prize for Medicine, Lausanne, in 2019
– The Global Health Pioneer Award, Dubai, in 2019
– Nominated “Grande Ufficiale” dell’Ordine “Al Merito della Repubblica Italiana”, one of the highest ranking honor in Italy, from the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister of Italy , on December 27th 2019
– Elected “Socio Corrispondente – Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali” at the “Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei”, the oldest Scientific Academy in the world, on July 26th, 2022
– Phacilitate Advanced Therapies Lifetime Achievement Award, Miami, USA, in 2024



Chief Medical Officer
Head of Development

Carlo Russo is a senior biotech executive with vast experience in research & development  in large pharma companies and biotech industry with extensive expertise in clinical development in oncology, gene therapy, cardiovascular,  metabolic diseases, infectious and rare diseases. A proven track record of bringing products through Phase 1-3 clinical development to regulatory approval.
He has served as Head of Development of GSK’s R&D Biopharm and Rare Disease Units, the Head of Cardiovascular Metabolic Center and the founder & Head of the Alternative Development Programs. He was Executive VP and CMO of Adverum, CMO & Head R&D of Annapurna and President and CEO of VaxInnate Corporation, among other senior roles. Carlo holds a number of senior positions at research institutions, including Cornell University Medical College, Columbia University and Scripps Research Institute. He holds his MD and Board Certification in Hematology from the University of Genoa Medical School and is the author of more than 70 scientific publications

richard b.slansky

Chief Financial Officer

Richard Slansky is a senior financial executive with more than 30 years of experience as Chief Financial Officer in various biopharmaceutical diagnostic and life science companies, including Biological Dynamics,  Oncosec Medical, GenMark Diagnostics and C-N Biosciences (now part of Merck). His experience spans public and private companies, pre-revenue to revenue growth, and commercial healthcare and high technology environments. He has been responsible for strategic vision and oversight of financial and operational teams, organizational leadership and creating maximum stakeholder value. He also serves on the Board of Directors of several private companies, including Nuclear RNA Networks, an early-stage RNA gene transcription therapeutics company.


Director of Program Development

Stefania Mazzoleni currently serves as Director of Program Development at Genenta where she manages and oversees the scientific development of parallel immuno-gene therapy studies in oncology indications and provides scientific support for Investor interactions, by combining deep pre-clinical and scientific area-specific knowledge to clinical research experience. 20 years of experience in life sciences R&D encompassing oncology, drug development, and cell and gene therapy — she has collaborated with various pharmaceutical companies and academic institutions. She earned a Master’s degree in Medical Biotechnology and a second-level vocational Master’s in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Oncology from the University of Milan. Additionally, she completed a Ph.D. in Molecular and Cellular Biology at Vita-Salute San Raffaele University. She is also a member of the European Academy of Tumor Immunology (EATI).


Finance Director

Barbara Regonini is a highly experienced executive with skills in strategic finance, restructuring and reorganization processes, internal controls and corporate governance systems implementation. Prior to joining Genenta, she was Head of Finance at OAM – Financial Supervisory Authority. She previously held CFO roles and was part of the Supervisory Body ex DLGS 231/01 of a public company in the renewable energy field. Former senior manager at PriceWaterhouseCoopers, she has a significant finance background in the industrial and service field. She has a Master’s degree at the University of Nicosia in Science of Digital Currency, a Degree as Strategic CFO at Harvard Business School, a Master’s degree in Business and Administration at the University of Parma and she is a Chartered Public Accountant and Auditor.